Music Production Insights

Tag: progress

  • Piracy – Why Shouldn’t You?

    There’s a request I keep getting regularly. It comes in different shapes and forms but the gist is always the same. Here’s an example of an email I received: “I began with the program Logic pro X. But i have a problem: I want to get some plug ins for this program, i’d like to…

  • How The Levels Changed My Approach to Writing Vocal Music

    In the past couple of years I’ve been working on a lot of vocal tracks as part of our new project, The Levels.

  • Breaking Workflow

    This is a guest post by Kim Lajoie. I recently came across his blog and felt very much connected to his way of thinking. So I invited him to write a little something for me and here we go! I’ll let Kim take it from here. Why should breaking workflow become a part of your workflow?…