Contemplations on the Art of Music Production

Resisting External Influence

I try to cultivate a way of making music that’s built around my personality.

Instead of blindly taking in too much external advice or influence… I try to become more aware of who I am and what I want.

At any moment, I ask the question:

How can I move towards a music making experience that is more in line with who I am?

I experiment with lots of different things to learn what works for me.

More importantly, this process teaches what isn’t for me.

For example, everyone loves analog synths right? They’re cool and sound warm and great. But I tend to prefer the digital FM stuff in my music. It’s a sound I like more.

In the same way, I go against the grain with many things. And with other things, I go with the grain, too!

By now, after 26 years of making electronic music, I have lots of very specific thoughts about how I want to do things.

This personality based process allows me to work in a way that is very tuned with what makes me tick. It helps me get into a flow state, to focus, work faster and get better results.

Everything works out better because there is less resistance.

It also leads to a certain character in my music. A signature sound that is true to who I am, and one that nobody can copy. Because it’s a sum of so many experiments and decisions I’ve taken over the years.

There’s so much noise out there. It’s sometimes hard to see your path. That’s ok. Just strive to be honest to yourself as you move forward.

Over time you’ll begin to trust your gut feeling more. Even when it goes against common advice or popular ways of doing things.






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